Friday, May 28, 2010

What is Contemplation?


The following are quotations about the nature and experience of contemplation, drawn primarily from Christian mystics and authors throughout the centuries.


Christ filling the hearing, sight, touch, taste, and every sense



Divine wakefulness

with pure and naked intuition

Gregory of Nyssa


With the flash of one trembling glance, my mind

arrived at


but I could not fix my gaze thereon



Utter pureness,

myriad lightnings,

flashing forth,

beyond all being



The mind, gazing upon the universe of God's handiwork,

rapt by the divine and infinite light

Maximus the Confessor


The mind stolen from itself

by the ineffable sweetness

of the Word

Bernard of Clairvaux


Seeing truth

in purity

and simplicity

Richard of St. Victor


The alertness

which finds everything plain

and grasps it clearly

with entire apprehension

Hugh of St. Victor


Receiving the clarity of God

without any means;

a single nakedness

that embraces all things

Jan Van Ruysbroek


A blind feeling

of one's own being,

stretching unto God

The Cloud of Unknowing


The enlightening of the understanding, joined to the

joys of God's love

Walter Hilton


Right understanding,

with true longing, absolute trust,

and sweet grace-giving mindfulness

Julian of Norwich



by God's thread

of pure Love

Catherine of Genoa


The secret of Christian contemplation

is that it faces us with Jesus Christ

toward our suffering world

in loving service and just action

Catherine of Siena


Finding God

in all things

Ignatius of Loyola



absorbed and amazed

Teresa of Avila


The window of the soul

cleansed perfectly

and made completely transparent

by the divine light

John of the Cross


The pure, loving gaze

that finds God


Brother Lawrence


The mind's loving, unmixed,

permanent attention

to the things of God

Francis de Sales


Seeing God in everything

and everything in God

with completely extraordinary clearness

and delicacy

Marie of the Incarnation


The pure, virgin awareness

of a little child

in the state of innocence

Thomas Traherne


Continual communion

through all things

by quite simply doing everything

in the presence of the Holy Trinity

Elizabeth of the Trinity


The world becoming luminous

from within

as one plunges


into human activity

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


Seeing through exterior things,

and seeing God

in them

Thomas Merton


A continual condition

of prayerful sensitivity

to what is really going on

Douglas Steere


Looking deeply at life

as it is

in the very here and now

Thich Nhat Hanh


A long, loving look...

William McNamara


A long, loving look at the real

Walter Burghardt


Continually renewed immediacy

Thomas Kelly


Awakening to the presence of God in the human heart and in the universe which is around us... knowledge by love.

Dom Bede Griffiths

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