Saturday, May 1, 2010


“Unknown to us, there are moments
                         When crevices we cannot see open
                          For time to come alive with beginning.”
writes the poet and spiritual writer John O’Donohue.   The Catechism tells us that creation is the foundation of all God’s saving plans, the beginning of the history of salvation that culminates in Christ.  It is helpful to stop and think for a moment of how we view creation and how we respond to the truth of Christ’s New Creation for us.

The German philosopher Martin Heidegger once wrote about, what he called the flight of the human being from thinking.  In his view there are essentially two kinds of thinking.   Calculative thinking, the predominant sort of thinking in the last century, is focused on results.  It is the hallmark of the technological age, attacking nature and seeking to force the world into preconceived categories.  
Meditative thinking, the other kind, is a way of approaching the world and reality which respects Being.  This kind of thinking is content to wait on meaning and allow it to disclose itself.

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