Tuesday, May 18, 2010

They look out and see a beautiful world - it is for everyone THEY know.....

          Scripture comes alive when we read it from the perspective of the victim of society rather than from the perspective of the powerful. This is what is truly unique about Christian revelation verses other religions-that it allows the victim's voice to be heard and from this comes its power. Perhaps this is another universal application of the fundamental option for the poor, that the poor have a privileged perspective, that their viewpoint is somehow clearer ad more accurately reflects the way the world truly is. The victims no longer suffer from the delusion of sacred violence that myths cover up. When violence is unleashed on them, they see it for what it is. Those who benefit from the violence cannot see it for what it is or else they could not reap its benefits. In the same way, the poor do not suffer from the delusion that the world is perfect. They see the sinful oppressive structures for what they are. The rich do not. They look out and see a beautiful world and believe that this is so for most everyone. It is for everyone they know. It is a simple idea: if there is indeed a problem with the world that is difficult to perceive, who would perceive it best, the one who benefits from it or the one who suffers from it? There are some things the rich do not see because they cannot see it. While this can be explained in terms of culture and religion, it is applicable to economic structures as well.

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