Friday, April 8, 2011

Action and Humility

Lk 17: 7-10

There are questions that most of us dread.   What have you done with your life?   How did you treat those whom you met along the way?   Was it a case of maximum return/minimum effort?   At a certain stage we begin to realise all of the things in our lives that will never be.   It can be a very difficult discovery.  There is a certain ‘flatness’ of tone to Jesus’ statement that when we have finished our life’s work and journey, we ought to see that everything we have done is merely what was expected of us.  Most of us didn’t break any records or receive any accolades from others.  But will we be in a position to we say in all honesty that we have tried steadily throughout our time, to play our part in helping the kingdom to come about?’      

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