Monday, July 5, 2010

"I'm very thankful to Jesus"

It’s Sunday morning in St. Dominic’s. Its 11.20 and I am in the sacristy getting vested for Mass. Outside in the church there is an audible buzz of low conversation as people meet and greet one another as they wait. The Folk Group are tuning up and the collectors , who double job as ushers are busily plying their trade with pride and importance. Then one of the altar servers trips over the bell and everyone stands up as the folk group break into a startled and hasty first verse of “Here we are, all together as we sing our song, joyfully.” The procession stumbles majestically into the church and the 11.30 is underway. On reaching the sanctary, I reverence the altar and head over to the chair from which I will open the Mass. Looking down, I see a few faces that are actually ‘joyful’ looking. Many are tired, impatient with the cries and wandering of the children around their seats and kneelers, and most are probably anxious with me to get on with it. Those who were coming on time are now ‘late’ and they look around with annoyance for a pew. Where will I find the words to acknowledge; encourage; inspire; renew these good people’s faith and Christian Life? I will try to let the liturgy speak for itself.
Continued above

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