Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Wine, New Wineskins, New Mindset

A friend is studying theology. He has a background in physics and mathematics. He tells me, with some excitement, that he couldn’t get into it at all at first. Then he realised that a whole different mindset was needed. Now he speaks enthusiastically of new insights and a wealth of understanding previously hidden from him.

There are some extraordinary poetic expressions in the Old Testament. Mountains melt like wax and drip new wine while hills flow with milk – the reward for faithfulness to Yahweh. The enemies of Yahweh suffer drought, inhabit wastelands and are burnt up – the consequences of having shed innocent blood.

In order to receive the riches of the Word of God, I need to open my soul to the music, drama, poetry and story through which it conveys and achieves its divine purpose.

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